Let's put you back together!

Is your body wrecked?

Were you in an automobile accident? Were you injured?  We may be able to help!

We understand this may be a difficult time. Injuries from the accident may have left your body in a wrecked state. You are worried about the potential medical costs.  You might have even just walked away from an accident, and are still in shock from what just hit you! 

We're going to give it to you straight. Seek medical care immediately.

Waiting for treatment after an accident is the worst decision you can make.  There are many hidden injuries that may not become evident until months after your accident!

Internal injuries may accumulate scar tissues over time, which will slow down the healing process. The longer you wait for treatment, the worse your condition will become. 

That's great advice doctor, except how are we going to pay our bills?

If you have been in a violent accident, we advise you to immediately seek out an attorney who specializes in personal injury cases. Also, make sure to communicate with your insurance company.

A personal injury lawyer will advise you on how to move forward. We partner with local law offices, who will work diligently to get the results you need. Contact us now at (740) 441-0200 for more information!   

We will help you with your personal injury case!

So, I have an open personal injury case, now what?

Perfect! We are excited to tell you that personal injury will place a temporary lien on all medical expenses until your case is resolved. 

What does a temporary lien on my medical expenses do?

During your case, your medical expenses will be charged to a temporary holding account. If the verdict is won in your favor, then the settlement will pay those charges. If there is no settlement, then you will still be responsible for those charges.

This is why it is crucial that you contract with a personal injury lawyer.  They will be able to advise you on the best course of action.     

In the meantime, the lien covers chiropractic services, and even a little bit more! Here are the services that will be covered by your personal injury claim:

(1) Chiropractic Exam

(2) Chiropractic Adjustment

(3) X-Ray

(4) Passive Therapies

(5) Dry Needling

(6) Cupping

(7) The purchase of durable medical equipment (i.e., braces, pillows, and TENS units)


(9) We will even measure you for a custom-fit pillow!!

So, my personal injury claim will cover the X-Ray and even a massage?

Yes, as long as you have opened a personal injury claim with an attorney, all services will be covered under a temporary lien until your case is resolved.

Our primary goal is to bring you back to optimal health.

X-Rays come with a FREE CD!

We also have some great news about getting an X-Ray at Gallipolis Chiropractic & Wellness center:

(1) Dr. Devin earned a bachelors in radiologic science. She is a specialist in taking and reading X-rays. She will make a critical evaluation of your results, and give you an accurate explanation.

(2) We will consult you immediately following the X-ray, giving a thorough review of our findings. We will look at your X-ray results together, and will answer any questions you may have.

(3) We will send you home with a CD copy of your examination. This is yours to keep as a personal record of your injury. You can share your digital X-ray copies with your primary care physicians and attorney. 

We hope you make the right decision for your personal injury case! Make an appointment with us now! (740) 441-0200. 

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10:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:30 am - 4:45 pm


10:00 am - 2:00 pm


9:30 am - 4:45 pm


10:00 am - 6:00 pm





10:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 4:45 pm
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:30 am - 4:45 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm


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