Our care plan for you!

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Every system in your body is interconnected, and is regulated by your central nervous system. You can think of your nervous system as the trunk, roots, and branches of a tree. It starts from your brain and spinal column, eventually reaching out through every limb, organ, muscle to every tissue in your body.

That’s why pain can be deceiving. Sometimes what you feel on the surface, may be an indicator of a deeper and hidden root cause.   

On your first visit, we will look at your body as a whole series of systems. We will take special care to diagnose not just the pain or discomfort you may be feeling, but also the root cause. Sometimes, healing requires stages and a little bit of time. Our goal is to correct the root of your problems not just the symptoms.

If you are already in great physical shape, and do not require pain management, we are very glad to hear it. Though we can still play a role for you.

We will make a care plan to help you maintain your healthy lifestyle. Prevention is a great step towards fast healing if you ever encounter problems in the future!   

start healing today

The healing process

Phase 1: Relief Care

Our first objective is to help you feel better. We will take steps to give you comfort and find relief. Our recommended corrective care plan will vary, depending upon the severity of your discomfort and illness.

Phase 2: Corrective/Restorative Care

As we proceed with your corrective care plan, continuing visits will ensure that your body is healing correctly, and that you are on the path to wellness. Do not be discouraged if you have mild flare-ups on occasion. This is a normal part of healing. Depending on your condition, it may be necessary to establish a rigorous visit schedule, to knock out pain where it hurts! 

Phase 3: Wellness Care

Once you are performing well and feeling great, we want you to continue visiting us so we can guide you towards a total health and wellness plan.

What to expect at your first visit!


Patient Intake Forms

Our staff will ask you to complete a health questionnaire. This critical document establishes your history, pinpoints any trouble areas, and will guide our chiropractic physicians on creating an effective care plan.


You will have a personal consultation with either Dr. Devin Lane, or Dr. Valarie Swan. They will discuss any issues, concerns, and potential treatment options. This part of the visit will develop your care plan further by exploring all of the details.  


After the consultation, your physician will perform a complete chiropractic examination to test your posture, reflexes, and flexibility.

X-Ray Studies

This is a great diagnostic tool for identifying problem areas quickly. Ask the chiropractor if this is a good option for you.

Report of Findings

Once your examination is complete, your chiropractic physician will give you a thorough explanation of their findings, and what your expected care plan will be. They will be happy to answer any questions.

Treatment costs

We will go over how much the treatment will cost based on your insurance.  Some services are out of pocket and will be discussed with you as well.


Please visit our payment page.


If necessary, our physicians will refer you to other specialists outside our scope of practice.

Wellness Program

Your doctor may suggest a home wellness program that you can practice outside of clinical treatment. They will consult you on the use of ice or heat application, certain activities or postural positions to avoid, exercises and stretches, and a healthy diet.

Our commitment is to your health

Office Hours


10:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:30 am - 4:45 pm


10:00 am - 2:00 pm


9:30 am - 4:45 pm


10:00 am - 6:00 pm





10:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:30 am - 4:45 pm
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
9:30 am - 4:45 pm
10:00 am - 6:00 pm


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