Expectant Mother

Dr. Devin and Dr. Valarie would like to first say CONGRATULATIONS!

If you are an expectant mother, an exuberant father, or are just planning a pregnancy, then we are so happy for you. This is an exciting time in your life that is to be celebrated.

Pregnancy and birthing may seem like a complicated subject, and we are sure that you have a lot to think about in the coming months. But, as you are well aware, child rearing has been a natural part of humanity since the beginning of time. 

A mother’s body is innately designed for natural childbirth. And the most critical component of a safe and natural childbirth is the mother and child’s bodies working together! 

Now, that statement may seem strange. How could the child contribute to a safe and natural childbirth? We will aim to answer that question below. 

While some practitioners of medicine tend to “treat” pregnancy, chiropractors view childbirth as a natural process to be supported, revered, and achieved with as little intervention as possible. Our primary role is to influence the body to perform naturally at its highest possible function. This will contribute to the prevention of birth injury to both mother and child. 

Regardless of perspective, your pregnancy should be a team effort. Whether you are seeing an OBGYN, a Websters certified chiropractor, midwife, or a doula we aim to work with every birthing professional, so that YOU are given the best possible care.  

Every pregnant woman requires chiropractic care before, during, and after childbirth. Babies (even newborns) also benefit from chiropractic adjustments. 

Doctor with child patient

And, this page is not just for mothers! We encourage partners to educate themselves and play a critical role in pregnancy. They are always welcome to participate in your chiropractic appointments. We will teach them how to be an active participant during this journey! Every partner and child should be checked for good health as well!

We hope this information finds you well, and encourages you to seek chiropractic care during this exciting time. We want YOU to make the most beneficial choices for you and your baby!


Dr. Devin and Dr. Valarie 


Throughout this page we will give you some statistics on childbirth, a definition of Websters and how it relates to your pregnancy, answer the question of what is a “natural birth?”, and our thoughts on doulas and midwives. We will explain how your partners can participate throughout your entire pregnancy, provide links to exercises and outside resources, and give a list of conditions that are important to pregnancy and chiropractic.  

So, what is a natural birth?

A natural birth is categorized as low-risk, it’s spontaneous, and takes approximately a 37–42-weeks of gestation. If the mother’s muscles and uterine tissues are relaxed, flexible, and healthy, and if their nervous system is working at its optimum level of performance, then labor will progress freely with natural preprogrammed movements.[8]

During labor, there are positioning techniques that the mother can incorporate to improve her body’s natural biological processes.  

After delivery, the mother and child are in great physical and mental condition, and can naturally proceed to the next stage of nursing and bonding.

Let’s describe some components of natural pregnancy and birth in a little more detail. These are the three pillars of a healthy childbirth:

Power Passage and Passenger

Power - A healthy nervous system provides adequate power and communication for a mother to carry her child correctly.

Passage – Balance of muscles and tissues allows easier passage of the baby during childbirth for greater ease, safety, and comfort. 

Passenger – Lack of tense muscles and tissues allow the baby to position itself properly to prepare for birth.

A Websters certified chiropractor encourages power, passage, and passenger.  

If all of these conditions are met, then there should be no need for medications, tools, or otherwise invasive procedures. 

This is what a natural childbirth has looked like for thousands of years. 

So, what is a common birth? Isn’t this the same as a natural birth?

The short answer is, no.

In stark contrast, common birth is more accurately described as assisted delivery. A mother will go to a hospital or medical center when contractions begin to occur, or they schedule an appointment when nearing the due date. Interventions such as induction or stripping of the membrane may occur.[17]   

Pregnancy Costs in the United States

Doctors may medicate the mother to either induce or slowdown labor. It may involve tools and methods such as forceps, heart monitors, dilators, Foley bulb, cervical ripening, IV drips, vacuum extractors, and the use of epidurals. In at least 31.8% of all cases, surgery (cesarean section) will be performed. [16]  

This is ultimately, an unnatural method of birthing. It’s intended to control otherwise natural human biological processes.

It is also very costly. In 2017 Forbes listed the United States as the leader of the most expensive hospital childbirths in the world. Standard deliveries averaged $11,000.00, while cesarean averaged closer to $15,000.00. Different sources even claim the difference to be between $32,000.00 - $51,000.00. [14,2]   

In some cases, medical intervention is critical for the health and safety of both the mother and child. In the event of dystocia (a difficult birth), medical intervention is a requirement

However, medically assisted births should never be the only option. There are many natural techniques that can be explored to reduce the need for total medical intervention. And good planning throughout your pregnancy can prevent many of the complications of a common birth.  

Not well

There are many potential complications with medically assisted delivery.

Inducing labor:

(1) Failed Induction.

(2) Causes more painful contractions.

(3) Causes the baby to have low heart rate.

(4) Increases your need for pain medications.

(5) Increases your risk of oxygen deprivation for the baby.

(6) Increases your risk of uterine rupture (if prior birth was cesarean).

(7) Increases your chances of internal bleeding.

(8) Forces birth on a baby and its mother that are not physiologically ready for birth.

(9) Increases time in labor.

(10) Can lead to postpartum depression.[13,4]


(1) You are unable to walk during and immediately after the epidural.

(2) You are unable to position yourself for comfort.

(3) Limits birth position options.

(4) Interferes with birth hormones.

(5) Increases your chances for pelvic floor dysfunction.

(6) Increases your chances for a perineal tear.

(7) Enters the baby’s blood stream (making the baby less alert and able to orient for the birth).

(8) Causes fevers during childbirth.[7]


Cesarean section is equally as traumatic as vaginal birth. It is a surgery that possesses its own set of risks to the mother and child. 

In some biological and physiological cases there is no alternative to cesarean section. In a minority of situations, mothers simply cannot provide safe passage for babies naturally. Mothers who absolutely require surgery accounts for 8% of all childbirths.[16]

However, thanks to some casual attitudes, opinions, and apathy towards the processes of natural childbirth and surgery, the number of mothers having cesarean is actually closer to 31.8%!!!![16]

Surgery should always be a last resort!!!!

Surgery is often compelled for ease and lack of complications. A “quick and easy” childbirth at the hospital is also desirable for insurance providers. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that there is no evidence that cesarean is advantageous for mothers and children during normal pregnancy. [11]

Here are some potential Cesarean Section Complications: 

(1) Accidental surgical cuts to organs.

(2) Major infection.

(3) Emergency hysterectomy.

(4) Complications from anesthesia.

(5) Deep vein clots.

(6) Admission to intensive care.

(7) Pain that may last more than 6 months.

(8) Thick scar tissue.

(9) Negative psychological issues.

(10) Future pregnancy issues.

(11) Death.[12]

Quote by DD Palmer

Birth trauma of the baby can cause spinal subluxation

Birth trauma can occur during any birthing event. Subluxation of your baby’s spine can cause many postpartum issues.

Here are some potential complications: 

(1) Colic.

(2) Irritability.

(3) Digestion problems.

(4) Respiratory distress.

(5) Difficulty feeding and sleeping.

(6) Lasting neurological defects.

(7) Cerebral palsy.

(8) Fetal distress

(9) Hypoxia during early development.

(10) Internal bleeding.

(11) Bone fractures.

(12) Brain damage! 


First. we want to be absolutely clear. We highly recommend that you meet with an OBGYN, a midwife, doula, and one of our chiropractors. We want you to consider exploring all of your options. 

Let's Meet in the Middle!

The ultimate goal is for a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery. A hospital birth with an OBGYN is still the most preferred choice among mothers.[5,16]   

With the right knowledge and preparation, you can prevent many potential problems.

Gallipolis Chiropractic Center’s goal is to establish and advance a healthy and natural lifestyle, through holistic chiropractic care for parents and children. Our values are in line with the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), and the goals of Websters. We aim to focus on the origins of health and wellness (also known as salutogenisis).

Our chiropractic physicians can help you make informed decisions about what is right for you. And we will prepare your body for optimal functioning and performance! So, when the time comes to have your baby, you will be in the best physical and mental condition that we can possibly achieve.

We will get your partner involved, as well as your other children!

Don’t be afraid to bring your partner and other children along. Everyone should be involved in this special time. We can teach them how to help you, and how to always stay involved.

Get the whole family involved!

A good partner can help you manage your emotions, and reduce your stress levels. Managing stress and emotions is critical for a successful delivery.

(1) Fear slows down labor and increases your delivery time.

(2) Stress (both physical and mental) can cause premature babies.

But, when you have choices and good support, that fear and stress is minimized![18]


The Websters technique is a specific chiropractic [analysis and diversified] adjustment that reduces nervous system stress, balances pelvic bones, muscles, ligaments, and optimizes the mother’s pelvic function in pregnancy and birth. - Dr. Pamela Stone. It seeks to resolve subluxation!

Subluxation of the mother can cause birth trauma for the baby

Subluxation can interfere with the nervous system, preventing birthing muscles from operating correctly. Pinched nerves can cause tension in the uterus, and can ultimately lead to premature contractions. A displaced sacrum can cause the birth canal diameter to be smaller thereby creating complications before and during childbirth. 

Websters reduces nervous system stress, balances your pelvic bones, muscles and ligaments to their proper orientations, and prepares your pelvic function for childbirth. Pelvic balance is restored for greater space and comfort within the womb. Adjustments insure the best possible position of the baby for childbirth. It releases tight muscles and tissues that may allow the fetus to reposition itself naturally.

International Chiropractic Pediatric Association

Websters can be utilized on all weight-bearing mothers. There is no skin-to-skin contact required. Some soreness may be expected after the 1st adjustment, though this is rare in most patients. If you do experience pain on your first visit, it should resolve with continued chiropractic visits.

The Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine found that pregnant patients who have undergone the Websters chiropractic care plan are: highly satisfied with the physical functioning, pain control, sleep, and lack of fatigue.[1]

Have you considered a mid-wife or a doula for your pregnancy? Do you have an OBGYN? 

Maybe we can help. Gallipolis Chiropractic and Wellness Center has many resources and connections in the region, and we will be happy to guide and refer you to many outstanding birthing professionals.

Let's build your team!

What is a midwife?

A midwife can be utilized to assist you through all phases of pregnancy, delivery, and early infant care. They will deliver your baby.

There are several different kinds.

CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife) is a nationally certified birthing practitioner, who has completed graduate education in midwifery. A CNM is a registered nurse (RN). This national certification allows them to practice in all 50 states.

CM (Certified Midwives) are typically educated with a bachelors in a healthcare related degree. They hold certification from a midwifery education program. They are only allowed to practice in certain states.

CPM (Certified Professional Midwives) are trained to deliver babies both at home and a clinical setting. They are typically not registered nurses, and they are only allowed to practice in certain states.

Midwives can practice in many different birthing settings. They work in hospitals, birthing centers, and can even deliver your baby at your home.

If delivering at home, these professionals bring their own set of tools and expertise. They are exemplars of teamwork, who can help you coordinate with OBGYN, doulas, and Websters certified chiropractors. They will advise you on any potential problems with your pregnancy, and refer you to the correct birthing professionals as needed.

A midwife is an excellent choice for mothers who wish to have very little medical intervention during delivery. Though, be sure that the midwife you select is adequately qualified to practice in your state. The following article has a list of questions you can ask a prospective midwife during the interview process.[10,15]

Let's build your team!

What is a doula?

Doulas are enthusiastic birthing coaches who can help you navigate the maze of pregnancy, childbirth, and early infant care. They provide emotional care and support for the mother. They can assist you with organizing ordinary tasks (that may become more difficult during pregnancy).

While not intended to replace the roles of partners and family members, doulas can help fill in the gaps where needed. In postpartum, they can assist with the feeding of the baby, and help with other ordinary household chores. They will help coordinate family members to get you the best help possible.

There is evidence that doulas improve the psychological state of mothers in postpartum. They will teach you breathing and relaxation techniques, and will instruct all members of the family on how to care for your newborn baby!

Doulas are not medical professionals, and are typically not certified to deliver babies. Though, most are certified through a formal educational process.

They are an important part of your pregnancy team who will work closely with your OBGYN, midwife, and Websters certified chiropractor. Read this article to see if a doula is right for you![19,9]

Contact Gallipolis Chiropractic & Wellness Center now to get started! A specific care plan of chiropractic adjustments will relieve your low-back pain, improve your movement, and your comfort both during pregnancy and delivery. Call us now!   


If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms or conditions at your appointment, please report these to your chiropractic physician and/or birth provider immediately: 

Bleeding or discharge during pregnancy, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bladder dysfunction, faintness, double vision or other serious visual problems, difficulty speaking, trouble swallowing, impaired coordination, recent whiplash, dizziness, muscular weakness, loss of feeling, tumors, recent fractures, osteoporosis, bone infection, insufficient blood flow, fever, bleeding, cramping, contractions, history of knee problems, knee injury, or knee surgery, low back pain or “saddle pain,”. 

If you are taking anticoagulants, steroids, birth control, or you are a smoker please let your chiropractor know before allowing them to adjust you. 


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Peer Reviewed Journal Article on Why You Should Refuse Induction


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Scholarly Research and Citations:

[1] Alcantara, Joel, Nazarenko, Andrea Lamont, Ohm, Jeanne, and Alcantara, Junjoe. (2018). The Use of the Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System and the RAND VSQ9 to Measure the Quality of Life and Visit-Specific Satisfaction of Pregnant Patients Under Chiropractic Care Utilizing the Webster Technique. Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine. PMC PubMed Central. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/p...

[2] Anthony, Cara. (2021) 'Birthday Rule' Blindsides First-Time Parents with a Mammoth Medical Bill. NPR. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/01/27/961196647/birthday-rule-blindsides-first-time-parents-with-a-mammoth-medical-bill#:~:text=Press-,New%20Parents%20Hit%20With%20Huge%20Surprise%20Medical%20Bill%20Because%20Of,risk%20losing%20thousands%20of%20dollars

[3] Bromwich, Jonah E. (2016) How Much is it Worth to Hold your Newborn? $40, Apparently. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/06/business/how-much-is-it-worth-to-hold-your-newborn-40-apparently.html

[4] Bhargava, Hansa D.,ed. (2020) Labor Induction. Grow by WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/inducing-labor

[5] C-Section vs. Natural Birth: What Expectant Mothers Need to Know. Cleveland Clinic. (2021) https://health.clevelandclinic.org/why-you-should-carefully-weigh-c-section-against-a-vaginal-birth/

[6] Cervical Ripening. Cleveland Clinic (2021). https://my.clevelandclinic.org..

[7] Epidural. Cleveland Clinic. (2021). https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21896-epidural

[8] Hirsch, Larissa. ed., (2016) Natural Childbirth. Nemours Children’s Health. https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/natural-childbirth.html

[9] Hurley, Judith. (2021). What is a doula? WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/baby/what-is-a-doula

[10] Hurley, Judith. (2020) What is a Midwife? WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/baby/wha...

[11] Keenan, Laura and Noble, Elizabeth. (2021) Cesarean section rates continue to rise, amid growing inequalities in access. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/news/item/...

[12] Mayo Clinic Staff. C-Section. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/c-section/about/pac-20393655

[13] Mayo Clinic Staff. (2020). Labor and delivery, postpartum care. Inducing labor: when to wait, when to induce. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/labor-and-delivery/in-depth/inducing-labor/art-20047557

[14] McCarthy, Niall. (2020) The U.S. Is The World’s Most Expensive Nation For Childbirth. Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/n...

[15] Midwife Services. Cleveland Clinic. https://my.clevelandclinic.org...

[16] Osterman, Michelle J.K., Hamilton, Brady E., Martin, Joyce A., Driscoll, Anne K., and Valenzuela, Claudia P (2022) Births Final Data for 2020. National Vital Statistic Report. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/...

[17} Pregnancy: Types of Delivery. Cleveland Clinic. (2018) https://my.clevelandclinic.org...

[18] Stjernholm, Ylva, Charvalho, Paula da Silva, Bergdahl, Olga, Vladic, Tomislav, and Petersson, Maria. Continuous Support Promotes Obstetric Labor Progress and Vaginal Delivery in Primiparous Women - A Randomized Controlled Study. National Library of Medicine. PubMed. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...

[19] What is a Doula? DONA International. https://www.dona.org/what-is-a...

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